100 Days of A11y

Day 7: Learning VoiceOver on iOS

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While I'm learning about how how some users perceive and operate pages, I think it's a good time to start diving into some of the assistive technology (AT) that people use. A week ago I had a more cut and dry approach to the WAS Body of Knowledge, as seen on my Google calendar, but now I'm discovering a more natural overlap of ideas as my own curiosity grows and I attempt to apply these ideas in a useful and concrete way.

To start, I spent time with Apple's VoiceOver (VO) on my iPhone. Why this particular AT first? Honestly, I needed it during work today to test and share with others. Secondly, it's one I have the least familiarity with. It's hard to go against how I normally use my iPhone! Yet, enough motivation and time has slowly brought me around and made me also think more on how this AT can lend itself to benefiting everyone in the screen-less world we are presumed to be heading into.

Things I accomplished

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What I learned today

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Food for thought

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How you can learn to use VoiceOver on iOS

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