100 Days of A11y

Day 85: The point - it's for people with disabilities, Part 1

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...if you don’t understand the challenges that people with disabilities face when using ICT products and services, you don’t _really_ know accessibility. Knowing what challenges people face is central to knowing how to reduce or eliminate challenges.

— Karl Groves, What does it take to call yourself an accessibility expert?

That about sums it up for me after working through the WAS Body of Knowledge. The only way one can evaluate websites well is to remember who could be using our sites and how their engagement and experience may differ from our own. That's basic UX (user experience) design, but with a focus on users with disabilities, which still encompasses a wide range of people and engagement strategies.

Things I accomplished

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What I reviewed today

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I'm trying to bring my focus back to the "who" part of my training. Without keeping them in the front of my mind, I will not be able to properly advocate for accessibility. Deque's course highlights the following disabilities:

Today I read through their explanations about various visual impairments. I found it helpful to revisit things I learned about in the past about users with low vision and identifying issues for keyboard users.


Permalink for "Blind"

How they may interact:

Developer considerations:

Low Vision

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Low vision is a spectrum. It varies in degrees and characteristics.

How they may interact:

Developer considerations:


Permalink for "Color-blind"

This is not an either-or characteristic either. Degrees of color identification vary from person to person.

How they may interact:

Developer considerations: