100 Days of A11y

Day 50: Refreshable Braille Displays

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Today marks my halfway point in learning. 50 days down (total of 72 hours study time), 50 more to go! So far, I've managed to cover swaths of WCAG, ARIA, and ATAG documentation. Additionally, I've learned about JavaScript techniques to better support screen readers when it comes to custom widgets. During this time, I've also managed to experiment with some of the popular screen readers (VoiceOver, NVDA, and TalkBack).

On that note, I'm curious about braille output. I'm very familiar and comfortable with speech output from screen readers, but am less so with refreshable braille displays. Unfortunately, I don't currently have access to a refreshable braille display (not that I could read it, even if I did), but that won't stop me from learning about them online.

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