100 Days of A11y

Day 46: ARIA Live Regions, Part 1

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Today I started digging into ARIA live regions to better understand how they can be useful in making SPAs (single-page applications) more accessible to screen reader users. This is a topic that will take some research because I'm not familiar with using most of those attributes. YouTube was a great place for me to start because I knew I'd find a few examples of how they work along with helpful screen reader demos.

Things I accomplished

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Tried the ARIA Live Region Test (by Terrill Thompson) with VoiceOver on Safari.

What I learned today

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So much to learn, so little time! I'll be spending more time on the topic and intricacies of live regions tomorrow, as well. As always, I am ever so grateful for those who have taken time to experiment and share their screen reader test findings with the rest of us.