100 Days of A11y

Day 13: ARIA Roles Model, Part 1

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The WAI-ARIA specification is a doozy! Today I waded into The Roles Model, after feeling a bit lost in some of the earlier parts of the spec. I was feeling pretty run down by the end of my day, so I only spent half an hour on this spec, mostly trying to get my bearings.

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I didn't realize just how many roles there were in ARIA! Spoiler: there are 82, if you count the abstract roles. Each role falls into a category:

  1. Abstract (don't use these)
  2. Widget
  3. Document structure
  4. Landmark
  5. Live region
  6. Window

Abstract roles were new to me. Rightly so, since they are not supposed to be used in my code.

Document structure role="none"?? That one I'll have to research further. It sounds vaguely familiar from the Internet somewhere.

Out of all of these role types, I am the most familiar with landmark roles, even though I rarely use them, since I lean more on HTML5 landmarks.